Promise Portraits

 In LED Projects, Promise Portraits

Promise Portraits is an ongoing project between LED Baltimore and Art with a Heart which challenges elementary and middle school students to create self portraits surrounded by words of positive self-empowerment. The artwork is then displayed on the LED board to be shared with their family, friends, and the entire city of Baltimore.

The first event involved students from Woodhome Elementary school in Parkville, Maryland, and was a phenomenal success.

The first participating students of the projectStudents line up along the window of the Langsdale library of the University of Baltimore to see their artwork displayed on a 50' tall billboard.

Art With a Heart was the perfect organization to partner up with for this project, as their primary mission is to help children overcome trauma through creative expression. Our goal with promise portraits is to give kids the chance to stop and think about some positive attributes about themselves. They create portraits of promises to their future selves.

Thank you to Art With a Heart and The University of Baltimore for helping to make this project a reality. We hope to spread the joy and excitement these students experienced to other schools for years to come.

To participate, contribute, or inquire about this project:

LED Baltimore:
Art With a Heart:

Students were treated to a viewing party on the top floor of the University of Baltimore's Langsdale Library, including arts, crafts, snacks, and face painting.
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