Maryum Khadejah Shadeed

- Baltimore-Born. Fashion-Driven.
Growing up with aspirations of being a fashion designer, I realized that making clothing was not only a passion, but a need; I craved that creative outlet, and I loved the extra money to fulfill my overall desire to create!
Growing up, we didn’t have it all. Seeing my mother struggle with school expenses and buying garments for proms and other events, that was the push I needed to truly pursue my passion.
TODAY I PAY IT FORWARD. Fashion and designing is more than me and the MaryumKShadeed brand, it’s about community. From each order placed, a percentage goes to creating two unique, custom-made gowns for high school Juniors and Seniors who may need assistance during prom season.
Being a business owner isn’t just about me, it’s about community. A wise person once told me “continue to give back and watch your blessings boomerang back to you tenfold”… And I’ve lived by that ever since.
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