

A Philadelphia native now working in Baltimore and New York City, PlantaRaieVilar has exhibited extensively as a painter, mixed media artist, and performer. My Disclosure/Concealment series explores the impact of narrative and aesthetic forms. Images are provoked by identity, role play, colloquial expression along with the aesthetic influences of popular culture and social media. The juxtaposition of hands plays an integral role that focuses and exemplifies the dichotomous symbolism of hands as nurturing, embracing, and seductive, countered by repelling, defensive, and protective. This mythology is first rendered through a series of staged self-portraits or personal “ reenactments” from a photographed image and culminates with the reinterpreted rendering of the image through a large-scale painted/drafted images using acrylic, pencil, and oil pastels onto primed, textured paper or canvas. These images range in size from small, 6” x 6” to mural scale, 9 feet x 20 feet.

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