Sicheng Wang

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Painting is the art of seeing. It helps me look at the outside world and then express what I have seen through an interior process. I paint sunsets and the sky of Baltimore every day. It about seeing nature; at the same time, it shows the longing for home and the bittersweetness of living in a foreign land. Choosing to be an artist is to choose a lifestyle of communicating with my internal world, which means being honest with myself. Then I am in front of my paintings, and I am in my paintings. Honesty is an essential ingredient to creating art. That means I need to face my limitations and examine the things I want to hide directly. I am thinking nothing while I paint. I start to observe myself deeply through an intuitive mindspace which then shows up in my paintings. Missing home is an emotion that I cannot resist, which is expressed in my work. Painting Baltimore is an effort to make this place home through my loving eyes. The things that I paint are the things I love deeply. Goodbye to These Skies is a time-based video piece which includes multiple videos. This project is a piece to say goodbye to Baltimore. We shot videos around Baltimore in places which are familiar and representative for us and the city. Through the window of Baltimore, we have started to know the US and this society. Related to China where we come from, we had a deeper understanding of reality. This piece is not only to say goodbye to Baltimore, but also to show our understandings and observations of the society we live in.

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