Tiimy Reid

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I’m a non-binary multi-media artist born in North Carolina, but raised in Baltimore, MD. After dropping out of college, I decided to teach myself everything there is to know about all my media. My connection with art allows me to provide an experience instead of just a photo. It allows me to capture the beauty of things both positive and negative, putting my deepest thoughts on display.

My media outlets includes: Photography (Editorial, Concert, Beauty, and Commercial), Graphic Design, Apparel Design, Visual Media (Painting), Set Design, Styling

My work has been published internationally in numerous magazines, including Canvas Rebel, Poza Magazine, and Gmaro, amongst many others, as well as features on the LED Baltimore billboard. I often collaborate with brands and artists on personal projects, brand campaigns, and commissions. I’m also a member of the Black Woman Photographer Program.

Available for:

Photographer, Graphic & Fashion Design, Styling, Set Design





Photographer | Graphic and Fashion Designer | Stylist | Set Designer

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